Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Your Course!

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    3. Central InfoSec Cyber Security Courses

    1. Networking 101 Overview

    2. Networking Introduction

    3. Network Nodes

    4. Network Topology

    5. OSI Model

    6. Network Building Blocks

    7. Communication Protocols

    8. Network Links

    9. Geographic Scale

    10. Organization Scope

    11. CTF Challenges Networking Terminology 1

    12. Network Performance

    13. IP Addresses

    14. MAC Address

    15. Routing & CIDRs

    16. TCP & UDP

    17. Network Packets & Sniffing Traffic

    18. Tcpdump

    19. Tshark

    20. Wireshark

    21. Network Security

    22. CTF Challenges Networking Terminology 2

    23. Bypassing DPI, IDS, IPS, & WAF

    24. Ports, Protocols, & Services

    25. CTF Challenges Ports, Protocols, & Services

    26. Key Takeaways

    1. Linux 101 Overview

    2. Introduction to Linux

    3. Basic Linux Concepts

    4. Shells

    5. Changing Your Default Password

    6. User Enumeration

    7. Host Enumeration

    8. Package Manager

    9. Linux File System

    10. Printing Strings with Echo

    11. Printing Strings with Printf

    12. Brace Expansion

    13. File Editors

    14. Working with Files & Directories

    15. Searching for Files

    16. Viewing Files

    17. Sampling File Content

    18. Viewing Large Files

    19. Searching within Files

    20. Basic Text Manipulation

    21. Counting File Content

    22. Sorting File Content

    23. Removing Duplicate File Content

    24. How Basic Commands Help with Password Attacks

    25. Evaluating Expressions

    26. ExplainShell

    27. Key Takeaways

    1. Linux 201 Overview

    2. Linux 101 Summary

    3. Linux 101 vs 201 Commands

    4. Environment Variables

    5. File & Directory Management (Permissions & Ownership)

    6. User Management

    7. Group Management

    8. Secure Shell

    9. Compressing & Decompressing Files

    10. Downloading Files

    11. Transferring Files

    12. Advanced Text Manipulation

    13. Comparing Files

    14. How These Commands Help with Password Attacks

    15. Network Interfaces

    16. Network Management

    17. Domain Name System (DNS)

    18. Process Management

    19. Command History

    20. Locating Executables for Commands

    21. Control Operators

    22. Key Takeaways

    1. Kali Linux Introduction

    2. Kali Linux Common Tools

    3. Kali Linux Added Tools 2021

    4. Kali Linux Added Tools 2022

    5. Kali Linux Added Tools 2023

    6. Kali Linux Added Tools 2024

    7. Kali Linux Tools Lab

    8. Customizing Your Kali Linux

    9. Metasploit Setup

    1. Tilix 101 Overview

    2. Introduction to Tilix

    3. Central InfoSec Tilix Setup Script

    4. Central InfoSec Custom Commands

    5. Application Keyboard Shortcuts

    6. Session Keyboard Shortcuts

    7. Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts

    8. Tilix Lab 1

    9. Tilix Lab 2

    10. Tilix Lab 3

    11. Tilix Lab 4

    12. Tilix Setup & Usage

    13. Key Takeaways

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 279 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content